Thursday, May 15, 2008

How NOT To Hire Lateral

According to The National Law Journal's Stacy Humphries, something is out of balance when it comes to law firm recruiting. Most firms that spend extensive time and resources recruiting inexperienced law school grads, but they are much less organized when competing for lateral hire talent.

According to Humphries, "most law firms have perfected the art of recruiting at the law student level: Send lawyers to law schools, exchange witty (or dull) banter with a number of future lawyers, bring a percentage of the candidates to the firm's office for interviews, make offers and await the flood of acceptances."

But "In contrast to the recruiting of inexperienced law students, firms competing for lateral talent face a more educated, and often more skeptical, audience, which makes it even more critical that the process work smoothly and cohesively."

Humphries gives several examples.

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